Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Best Friend Day

Today, after I woke up from what I can oy describe as a day long intermittent nap, Heather came over and we caught up on DVR shows. Dinner was held at Johnny Carinos, because we both needed to indulge ourselves in carbohydrates. We proceded to Market Street for Cupcakes, and, in true best friend fashion, we couldn't decide on a single flavor of cupcake, so we got two boxes. After So You Think You Can Dance, we made it to the media room for movies. It was a perfect best friend night. Full of laughs, random moments of breaking into song, and hoodies. I'll leave you with pictures that I feel will depict the night well:-)

Cupcake toast!


The vastness of the media library at the Braman household

Heather with her eager face and cherry coke zero in the media room. Take notice of the Luke Skywalker in the corner. He's with us.